Thursday, April 21, 2011

RE: New York Times "Burden of College Loans on Graduates Grows"

Welcome to my new blog everyone! I hope you all enjoy reading my posts and even chime in on the conversation!

My first post is a response to an article from the NY Times article about student debt after graduation. This seems like a perfect topic for me, a student who will be graduating Cal State University Bakersfield this coming June.

I do not qualify for financial aid, only student loans. Lucky for me, my debt will be significantly less because I attended a community college before moving on to CSUB, where I have spent the last 2 years at. In those 2 years I studied at CSUB, I will have incurred roughly $13,000+ of student loans. This is significant for me because I still need another year to get my teaching credentials, which will just add to that total. I would like to move to Orange County to teach music, but with the weak economy, rising prices, and tighter job market, that might not be an option for me. It will significantly hinder my ability to buy a house once I get a job. I will likely still be renting an apartment. Only time will tell if this is just going to get better or, God forbid, worse.

What are your thoughts? Are you in school? Do you financial aid? Are you in debt?